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PTO Facebook Group

Join the Silver Sands PTO Facebook Group to find out about upcoming events and ask questions!

Also available: text reminders through Remind. or Text @ssmcspto to 81010

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School Supply Dropoff

Saturday, August 10th | 8:30 - 10:00 AM

Here you will be able to meet the staff and find class assignments.

Pancake breakfast will be served!


Ornament Painting

Date: TBD

Location: SSMCS


*Details solidified at 1st PTO meeting.

Red Bauble

Splash Pad Family Event

Date: TBD | Time: TBD

Location: TBD Henderson, NV


Picnic in the Park

1st PTO Meeting

Date: Tuesday, August 20th after school

Time: After School (Multi-purpose room)

Meet your PTO Board and plan fall events!


Join today!

The SSMCS PTO promotes close cooperation among parents, teachers, administration and students to enhance the educational experience at SSMCS. Find out how you can participate in making our school amazing!

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